Ford vehicles with C6 transmissions often have oil pan leaks. The original Ford C6 oil pans are made with thin-gauge steel. If the oil pan bolts are over-tightened, the flange at the bolt holes will warp and will result in a poor gasket seal. Once the oil pan flange is distorted, it is difficult to repair the pan flange to get a good seal. The Sonnax C6 oil pan is made of thick gauge material and will resist warping at the bolt holes. The thicker flange will allow the bolts to be tightened enough to compress the gasket evenly and result in a good seal. The Sonnax pan will withstand repeated assembly without damage.
Material is 25% Thicker Than OE
Ford vehicles with C6 transmissions often have oil pan leaks. The original Ford C6 oil pans are made with thin-gauge steel. If the oil pan bolts are over-tightened, the flange at the bolt holes will warp and will result in a poor gasket seal. Once the oil pan flange is distorted, it is difficult to repair the pan flange to get a good seal. The Sonnax C6 oil pan is made of thick gauge material and will resist warping at the bolt holes. The thicker flange will allow the bolts to be tightened enough to compress the gasket evenly and result in a good seal. The Sonnax pan will withstand repeated assembly without damage.